

World market leader award

Hennecke GROUP once again awarded as world market leader

For the fourth time, the Hennecke GROUP has been recognised as world market leader. The renowned business magazine "WirtschaftsWoche" and the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland award this title annually to outstanding companies. Strict criteria have to be met in order to receive this award: The company must be a leader in at least one relevant market segment, have an annual turnover of more than 50 million euros and generate at least half of this turnover abroad on three continents. The Hennecke GROUP fulfils all these requirements and has been awarded the title of world market leader in the field of "Process technology and systems for processing polyurethane". The university's analysis of the market situation in the DACH region once again confirmed the Hennecke GROUP's outstanding position in the global market. Despite the challenges of 2023, the company was able to confirm its leading role. This success is due, among other things, to the broad product portfolio for various applications in polyurethane processing and the Hennecke Production System (HPS), which has been successfully implemented at all production sites.



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