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Premixing station for the precise metering of HFOs (such as Solstice® LBA) and other blowing agents in batch processing

LAMBDAMAT - Premixing station for the precise metering of HFOs (such as Solstice® LBA) and other blowing agents in batch processing


The LAMBDAMAT blowing agent metering device from Hennecke offers customers a precise and reliable premixing station for loading the blowing agents of the polyurethane components in a batch process. Here the LAMBDAMAT is primarily designed for the application of HFOs (hydrofluorolefins) and provides a cost efficient solution due to a flexible pre-selection of the blowing agent ratio in the formula which can be precisely adjusted to the production. The quantities in the mix are based on demand, preventing a loss of properties in the formula. With the phase-out of older established blowing agents by many users, the new generation of blowing agents is now moving into focus. As well as HFOs, the Hennecke LAMBDAMAT is ideally suited to applications of other liquid, non-flammable blowing agents.

Metering machines
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